Watch my Imaginative Discipleship L'Abri Lecture, Friday 8pm UK time on Zoom
And the launch of the Imaginative Discipleship podcast isn't far off...

I’m delighted that I’ll be speaking on Imaginative Discipleship: How imagination reveals and shapes our hearts at L’Abri Fellowship in Hampshire, this Friday 30th September at 8pm (arrive 7.30pm at the Manor for coffee and dessert if you’re attending in-person) and online via Zoom.
I’ve now run a seminar on Imaginative Discipleship a few times – once for the Morphe Cymru arts group here in Cardiff, and then twice at Hutchmoot UK (read about my experiences there in my article ‘Finding my tribe’). But it hasn’t been live-streamed or recorded for people further afield to join in – until now!
Here’s the Zoom link for Friday evening – the password is ‘Lecture’.
My podcast is launching soon…
I will also be making the recording of my lecture available on the Imaginative Discipleship podcast. I’ve also been busy recording interviews with some exciting guests and making a start on editing them ahead of the launch.
I hope to launch the end of next week, Friday 7th October, all being well with recording and editing! You’re in the right place for updates, so stay tuned!
Support my writing and podcasting
I’ve been writing Bigger on the Inside for a year now, and I’m excited to be expanding my output with the launch of the Imaginative Discipleship podcast. I’m very grateful to everyone who has read and subscribed in that time. I’ve hesitated about turning on paid subscriptions, but I have big plans and I believe the time has come to see if people want to support them.
I’ve been dedicating a lot of my own time to writing and now podcasting, and have been paying for hosting, domains, recording kit and so on out of my own pocket. With the launch of the podcast, I’d really like to be able to get some better hardware and software for recording and editing good quality audio and video. I could also potentially pay a podcast editor to help put together the show, allowing me more time to focus on interviewing interesting guests and putting together in-depth articles and analysis. So your help would go a long way in helping me do more!
So if you like what I’m doing, and want me to do more of it and better, please consider becoming a paid subscriber!
Most of my output will remain free to everyone, but I’ll be looking to add some fun exclusive extras and perks for my supporters.
What is L’Abri, anyway?
L’Abri Fellowship is a Christian community / study centre / place of hospitality. ‘L’Abri’ means ‘shelter’ in French, and the first L’Abri community was started by Francis Schaeffer in Switzerland in the 1950s.
For me, L’Abri is a place where I’ve been at many key moments in my life to step back and reflect, and to wrestle with some of the big questions that I’ve faced. It has inspired me with its example of hospitality to be more welcoming and open with my own space and time. It’s been a place where I’ve made some valuable friendships, and have had my mind opened to new ideas and experiences. I highly recommend a stay there!
My friend Houston Coley and his wife Debbie are making a documentary film about hospitality filmed at the English L’Abri. Check out their website or watch their proof of concept film on YouTube: